Weeping Widow

Lacrymaria lacrymabunda

14th October 2020, Farningham Wood near Swanley
Growing in earth with organic debris and gravel. Large troop of clusters and singles. Cap 1.5-7cm. Slight mushroom smell. Mottled gills, stem hollow and easily broken. Appearance is more like the related species Lacrymaria pyrotricha but the spores are clearly the right shape and better size for Weeping Widow (Lacrymaria lacrymabunda)). ID is very likely. Sporeprint Black. Spores 7-8µ x 5-6.5µ.

30th August 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing by elder tree. Cap 4-10cm. No smell. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint black. Spores 7-10µ x 5.5-7µ.
